Strathroy Museum, Poster Series, Donald F. Theall Collection, 2014

Strathroy Museum

Poster Series

Poster series for the Donald F. Theall book collection for the Strathroy Museum—commissioned by curator Christian Siroyt. Featuring scans from the Donald F. Theall rare book collection, the posters showcase each event and contribution. Theall was McLuhan's first doctorate student and was also often described as a ‘pioneer in computing in the humanities’. He made an extraordinary contribution to literature on-line with his web version of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake and Ulysses. Theall passed away in 2008.

Strathroy Museum, Poster Series, Donald F. Theall Collection, 2014

Strathroy Museum, Poster Series, Donald F. Theall Collection, 2014

Strathroy Museum, Poster Series, Donald F. Theall Collection, 2014

‘This workshop aims to upset the traditional notion of the rare books reading room as a staid space in which the holdings sit dormant. Here it is dynamic and generative, flexible and mobile, and contravenes traditional museum policies by installing a Rare Books and Special Collections Reading Room on-site at the conference.’

—Christian Siroyt